
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Will our nation remain strong?

More that 250 years ago men with a desire for freedom left their native lands to come to this continent. Why would people do such a thing?  Some may have come here out of a desire to experience an adventure, but the majority came seeking a freedom and peace that they did not have in their former lands.  Once here they wanted to ensure that their freedoms would be protected and thus men with great wisdom and insight drafted a document outlining the freedoms and rights which they felt all who would reside here could expect.  From this a new form of government was established, and the United States of America was thus established.  We know these men as the writers of the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights.  We often pass over their names without reflecting on their work and their character.  For just a few moments reflect on what these men were like and the fact that it was individuals that formed the basis for our nation.  It was not a corporation, or a club, nor a university that defined the basis of our nation but rather individuals who were upright, and respectful, God fearing, and men of foresight with a desire for good.  They were not self centered, or out for personal gain.  They wanted the best for all men.  They also realized that to have the best for all required effort and a nation of individuals with good intentions. 

When I was a youth one would never have thought up some of the things that plague our nation today.  The strength of our nation comes from its people just as it did in the days of the origin of our constitution.  We will not find the strength in a body or organization for they get their strength from the individuals that make them up.  God set aside this land as a land of freedom and peace as long as its people were righteous.

We each must stop and ask ourselves --
  1. Are you doing all that you can to move this nation in the right direction?
  2. What more can you do to be an active part of the bodies that governor our communities, states, and nation?  
  3. Are you a good citizen? Respecting others and looking after the good of all?  Are your intents self centered?
  4. Are you looking for others to take care of you or are you doing what you can to be self reliant?
  5. Is your focus on "me" or are you helping others that are less fortunate or in need of help?
  6. Do you hold a vision of what the future may be and are you actively doing things to make this vision a reality?
  7. When situations arise, do you ask yourself what the real issue is and not just settle for the politically correct view of the problem?  Often those that pose a solution to a problem are off basis on what the actual situation really is and are only seeking for political gain not for a solution to the root problem.  Thus they try to lead us to believe that the view of the problem is the actual problem.
If you are not doing these things then you are probably not contribution to the strength of our nation.  In fact, you are doing just he opposite.  Whether or not you agree with me you may want to watch the video clip from the Red Skelton show recorded in 1969.  It is definitely food for thought. Click here and reflect on the things which he says.

Happy viewing and I hope it motives you like it did me.

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