
Sunday, June 20, 2010

The day has come and gone, but the house is still not ours.

June 20th, 2010. The date the our new home is to be substantially complete.  Well as of 6:30 this evening, there is still work left to do.  I guess some may call this substantially complete, but I believe the city of Herriman may not think so.  We have no steps from the sliding glass doors down to the ground.  It is not a big deal, other than it is an eleven foot drop.  Ginny and I have joked for a long time that we were going to ask the builder to replace the deck and stairs with a slide, rope and fireman's pole, because we thought the grand kids would love it.

If not having any stairs is not an issue, then how about the fact that the stove have not been installed and there are still electrical fixtures missing, of the fact that we have not hot water because the shutoff value to the water heater runs like a facet if the water into the house is turn on.  I do not believe the home is yet able to be occupied.

Oh, there are still lots of minor things to still be completed, but they were not required by the substantial completion date.  Hopefully things will get wrapped up by the end of business tomorrow.  Then the city can inspect things and grant an occupancy permit.  Our loan office is working to get an appraisal done this week and then we can sign on the dotted line.

It is looking more and more like we will be moving over the July 4th weekend.  I thought that was Independence day, but I am thinking it is more like Labor day.  If we do not get things squared away soon the fireworks may be seen at the builders office before Independence Day.

1 comment:

ergillmore said...

You need to update! I know you are in the house now. Pictures!!